Seems that someones been talking to somebody.

A few weeks ago while I was in Indiana I got a call from a reporter that wanted to do an article on The Grocery Cart Challenge blog. So when I got back into town I went in for an interview and from what I hear the article will be published this Wednesday. I'll give y'all a link when it comes out.
It's so different tracking all this and sending it out into Internet space. I'm a little curious about what the effect will be now that everyone in town knows what I'm doing. Will I have a trail of people following me next time I shop?
So last week I decided to shop from my own cupboards and we made it! But I really wanted to make sure that this weeks shopping trip didn't double in cost because of skipping last weeks trip. Here's how it looked...
4 cans spaghetti sauce $3.92
Pineapple Juice $1.58
Paper Napkins $1.71
Bulk Seasoning Salt $.70
2 envelopes Ranch Dip $1.48
Lettuce $1.38
Lemon Juice $1.58
Celery $.96
Grapes $3.07
Cucumber $.78
Pears $1.93
Broccoli $2.27
Bulk Granola $3.10
Bulk Oregano $.28
Bananas $2.04
2 onions $.84
Bulk White Rice $1.48
15 lb Potatoes $3.98
Total $33.08
S & S liquidators (sorry no picture)
Box of Powdered Milk $.99
Penne Pasta $.69
28 oz Can Tomatoes $.69
4 boxes Bouillon Cubes $1.00
2 cans Cream of Celery Soup $1.18
Total 4.55
2 cans of Pumpkin $1.58
2 lb Mozzarella $7.49
Frozen Blueberries $2.79
Frozen Strawberries $1.69
Bacon $1.69
Cheddar Cheese $1.99
Razors $1.99
4 Mac & Cheese $1.00
2 tubs of Parmesan Cheese $3.98
1 lb Italian Sausage $2.39
Total $29.45
Grand Total $67.08
Well, I went a little over but at least I didn't double it to $120 to make up for the $60 I DIDN'T spend last week. Plus I'm sneaking in some meal gifts and potlucks this week so I'm happy with that.
I am amazed each week at how well you do! Great job!!
I got a chuckle thinking of you in the grocery store with a line of mommies behind you buying exactly what you buy! Maybe you got start your own shopping business!
Yay! You get to inspire even more people to stretch their dollars. And what's even better- you can _prove_ that you can live within or below your means and still eat healthy and well.
Love it!
Because one comment just wasn't enough for this post- I was wondering how empty your larger was after your week of pantry eating.
Good job, Gayle!
I noticed at WinCo you bought cans of spaghetti sauce. It took me a few years (yes, years) to realize that buying cans instead of jars, saves a TON! Of course they put Prego at eye level and the cans on the bottom shelf.
Those sneaky lil spaghetti sauce placer peeps.
I am so amazed at how well you do. I can not cut milk drinking from my husband's day, but I have still been able to take our grocery budget from $200 a week to $75-100 a week. I'm thrilled with that. Maybe further cuts will come in the future, but for now I can live with this. I just wish there was a discount grocery closer. Right now I's spend in gas what I saved at the store. Thanks for all the helpful hints.
I just want to thank you for being such an inspiriation. I found you by looking for cheep meal ideas one night and now i'm hooked!!! I am a 24 years old stay-at-home mom of 2. I was almost at the point where I was going to have to go back to work and put my kids in day care, (which I REALLY don't want to do!) until I found you. You have shown me ways to cut corners, pinch pennies, and be frugal co now I can continue staying home!!! I love it! It's so exctiing to try a new idea! I actually like to go to the grocery store now!!! Anyway, before I ramble too much, thanks again!!! You have truly been a blessing to our family!!!
I am constantly amazed by what you can do. I have no discount stores anywhere near me in MA--nothing (really!!) but have done a much better job feeding my two kids home made, healthy foods for a lot less since reading your blog and learning to love my coupons. Who knew a four year old would shed a tear when the really good vegetarian meatloaf wasn't finished in time for dinner one night? Or that German Pancakes is a cook once, use twice meal for us.
Anyway, tried so many recipes and have enjoyed your strategies for shopping. Thanks!
And PS. If I could only find $0.99 powdered milk anywhere near me--I've never gotten it for less than $7.99! Sigh....
I can't tell you how excited I was about that powdered milk. There was only one box so I bet somebody priced it and didn't really know what it was worth. I even debated whether to get it or not because it wasn't on my list. So glad I didn't pass that up! Even in bulk it's around $3.50 per pound here.
I love to shop at Winco too. My hubby saw your "recipe" for laundry detergent which I had printed out and he just smiled and shook his head. I think I'm "scaring" him! I said that it's supposed to be cheaper than the stuff we buy at Costco.
Hi Gayle,
That was me, Elaine, that contacted Cathy Zimmerman about your blog. Cathy and I attend the same exercise group and we also participate in Wordfest. You and your kids would like Wordfest. It is the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm in The Brits on Commerce.
I think your blogs are fresh and exciting. I LOVE your recipe for laundry soap. I can't wait to read the story. Cathy is a fantastic journalist.
Elaine Crabb
Merci beaucoup. You truly are an inspiration to us all (even up north in canada!) Your recipes are great and I love everything about your blog so there is no way a news papaer could pass on something like that!
See Gayle... Now you're famous!
I'm looking forward to the link. ~K
Love your blog, thanks for visiting ours and entering for the book giveaway (! We had triple coupons last week at our Harris Teeter Grocery Store - I got about $400 worth of groceries for about $175! I LOVE triple coupons!
I see you bought some white rice at Win-co. That must mean all that great Basmati rice you inherited is gone. Do you have any difficulty geting your kids to eat the brown rice. I have 4 kids also and they all turn their nose up at it.
No, I still have a ton of Basmati rice and the kids will eat it mixed in the lentil burritos or a casserole but just straight with chinese food they want white.
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