Sunday, August 30, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I had some leftover roast beef from last week, some leftover chicken meat, cooked rice in the freezer, and baby red potatoes in the pantry. All these will find their way into my menu this week.

We also have the first of our three September birthdays this week. Normally all three of my September boys have one big family party but as they get older they feel like they are getting lost in the crowd and have voted to have their own special day instead of a family party. I couldn't be more happy. Our new tradition is that they get to pick what they want to eat for each meal on their birthday and we'll open family presents together and do a fun activity of their choice such as swimming, bowling, or a picnic at the park. My soon-to-be six year old picked the menu for Thursday which is why you'll see a slightly different menu than normal.


Toast with plum butter and fruit
Plum Muffins
Breakfast Frittata
Pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream
Oats with fresh berries
Yogurt parfaits
Leftover pancakes or muffins from the freezer


Skillet Rice, Broccoli and Chicken dinner, fresh veggies and dip
White Chicken Chili, Buttery Bread Machine Rolls
Beef and Rotini Salad with Tomato Basil Dressing
Hot Dogs and Tater Tots
Roasted Kielbasa Potatoes, marinated tomato salad
Soup with leftover meat, veggies and pasta, Peasant Bread
Leftover Night

For more great menu plans go HERE.


Myra said...

do you always have enough left over everyweek for a left over night? I would imagine your teens finishin off the dinner everynight... mine do anyways lol...

Erica said...

I'm guessing your son picked out hot dogs and tator tots? A dream meal for a 6 year old. I hope you all have a great month of celebrating all the blessings God has given your family.

Gayle said...

Sometimes the leftovers DO get eaten before leftover night. Then it becomes scrambled eggs and toast night. ;)

Frugal Jen said...

Had to smile and leave a comment about the hot dog and tator tots. My 5 year old son always requests this meal!

Unknown said...

I love the "hot dogs & tater tots"! Sounds like a perfect birthday dinner...

Jean said...

Would you make me hot dogs and tater tots for my birthday, too? It will be my 62nd - LOL - some things NEVER stop being favorite foods!