Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Monday

It took a while to feel the urge this year, but I finally have the desire to get out in my garden and dig. I'm hoping the rain will hold off a little this week so I can pull the few weeds that have started and spread the compost around so I'll be ready to plant. I started NOTHING from seed this year so I'll be planting starts from the Farmers Market. In the meantime, this is what's cooking this week.


Choice of freezer muffins or pancakes, eggs, or fruit and yogurt smoothies


Grilled Turkey, Swiss and Tomato sandwiches
Honey Glazed Crock-pot Chicken, rice and veggies
Custom Omelets and hash browns
Pasta with sausage, tomatoes and cream
Pizza roll-ups
Pommes Anna, green salad, peasant bread
Leftover Buffet

1 comment:

Chrissy Shelton said...

My Sid and bro-in-law have over 1000 starts!!! Grown with tender loving care, they're sure to produce! :)