Thursday, February 16, 2012

GCC Recipe Swap - Clean Coffee Pot Recipe

Who even THINKS to clean their coffee pot? But once you use this recipe and see what comes out, you won't ever forget to do it. Here's what you need.

1 cup warm water
1/4 cup baking soda

Mix the two together and pour into your water reserve. Let run like a normal brewing cycle but don't use a filter. Rinse out the pot and then run 2 to 3 cycles of just plain water. Repeat once a month for better tasting coffee and a clean machine.

Do you have a recipe you'd like to share? Please link directly to your post, not your homepage, and please include a link back here to the Grocery Cart Challenge.


Almaelou said...

After reading this post I got up went to the kitchen and cleaned the coffee pot. WOW! With the first cup, I expected it to be ugly but when the rinse pot came out muddy too I couldn't wait for it to finish so I could rinse the pot again to see what color it was. I am making a pot right now and already I can smell a difference can't wait to taste. Thanks!

StaceyN said...

Hmm, I must have done something wrong, because when I tried this, the baking soda separated from the water and clogged up my coffee maker. I had to run some vinegar through it (which made a foaming, raging mess, much to the delight of my boys!) to make it work again. I usually just run straight vinegar through my coffee maker to clean it. Any idea where I went wrong?

Gayle said...

I use a whisk to mix the baking soda and water together really well first and run it immediately after putting it in the pot. Also the warm water is essential for helping the baking soda dissolve. Then I don't have a problem with it separating.