Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekly Shopping Trip

I knew this was a lean week for us so I made an even bigger effort to plan my meals around what we already had. But amazingly enough, after getting all the items on my list, I still had $13 left in my budget. When this happens, the first thing I do is head to the meat section. I'd used up all the meat in my freezer the week before except for a little bit of leftover turkey from thanksgiving and the giant turkey I got for $4 and stuffed in my freezer for a week when finances might be too tight for a full shopping trip. So I managed to get a large package of hamburger and some extra fruit that I wouldn't normally have purchased.

2 rolls of wrapping paper $1
2 cans cream soup $$1.18
2 cans tomato paste $.66
1 can tomato sauce $.39

4 lb plain yogurt for $1.98 (SCORE!)
4 packages of smoked sausage (guest for dinner) $7.96
2 lbs whole bean french roast coffee $6.99
2 pkgs cream cheese $2.58
frozen blackberries $1.99

3 cans of tuna $1.74
Bulk Spaghetti $.82
Bulk Granola $1.59
vegetable oil $1.98
2lb vanilla yogurt $1.78
gallon milk $2.38
bulk popcorn $1.76
Apples $1.47
Pears $1.50
Bulk powdered milk $3.32
4lbs hamburger $8.64
bananas $2.25
3 lbs tangerines $2.28
Broccoli $1.34
tub of margarine $1.71

Grand Total $59.29


mommanator said...

you are a mentor for me. My cupboards are too full I need to use up some stuff before I buy more! Esp with trvelling over the holidays, I dont need a thing befor we leave!

Terri Steffes said...

You rock! I love your system of buying more of some needed item when your budget allows you to do so.

Do you eat many sweet potatoes? Our grocery store has them for 19 cents a pound right now!

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

Awesome deals once again, Gayle. I'm especially jealous of the blackberries. That's nice wrapping paper for .50 cents too.

Lisa B. said...

Great shopping deals!

I noticed you dont use coupons, may I ask your reason why?

TinaW said...

I think you are doing an amazing job feeding your family on your budget. I do have a question, though - does the amount of calories/fat/sodium in your recipes bother you? The recipes I looked up on recipe zaar show some very high calorie/fat/sodium ratios per serving. I know you're feeding bottomless pit teenagers but I'm curious as to your feelings regarding this?

Gayle said...


I don't follow the recipezaar recipes exactly. I alter the salt alot, replace oil with homemade sugarless applesauce, sometimes I use half the sugar or half the meat called for. I use powdered lowfat milk when baking instead of whole milk, or cream or even buttermilk. I leave out some of the veggies that we don't like and cut back on the butter and maragarine. I'm conscious of the health factor yet we sometimes just throw caution to the wind and indulge. So we are by no means eliminating all the fat, salt or calories that we could, but we make a purposeful effort to keep it as healthy as possible without sacrifing flavor.