Tuesday, February 10, 2009

GCC Giveaway - I'm Such A Diva!

I hate having to spend my hard earned grocery money on unedible things. I want it all to go to food not cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and feminine hygeine products. So I'm constantly trying to find ways to save in these areas. The cleaning supplies I've figured out, the toilet paper I'm not willing to part with yet but ahhh, the feminine hygeine products have officially been erased from my budget.

Do you know that the average women spends $150 - $200 per year on disposable pads and tampons? That's a whole lot of chocolate that I'm not able to buy just so I can hope that I'm not going to leak through my khaki pants onto my chair in church on Sunday morning. And there's still no guarantee that I'm safe.

But several of you have mentioned a reusable menstrual cup as a way to save money so I took it upon myself to contact the company that makes the DivaCup and see if they would be willing to let me review their product (they did) and then graciously they supplied two FREE DivaCups (a $35 value per cup) to give away to my readers.

Now before you get all grossed out let me tell you that is exactly why I poo-pooed away any notion of using one of these things. It sounded messy and nasty and just plain yucky. But when it meant a huge decrease in my grocery budget I started to warm to the idea.

I used it for the first time a few weeks ago and I'm kicking myself for pre-judging the thing. Not only was it way more comfortable than a hunk of tampon up there but it wasn't any more messy or difficult to use. And my plumbing wasn't in peril because there was nothing major to flush away.

The DivaCup can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time. On my heaviest day, which usually means a trip to the bathroom every hour to remove a super size tampon that hasn't done it's job, my DivaCup lasted 8 hours before I finally gave up and checked it. It could have lasted a lot longer but it's hard to get used to the fact that I can just forget about the darn thing and let it do it's job.

It took me about three days to get comfortable with inserting it and getting it in the right place but after that it was quick and easy. And I loved not having a used pad discreetly wrapped in toilet paper and shoved in my wastebasket where little hands might be able to find it.

But the best part for me was knowing that I will NEVER have to spend money on tampons or pads again. It's totally worth it. So head on over to the DivaCup site to have all your questions answered. They have a ton of information on FDA approval, silicone versus latex, environmental issues and all kinds of good stuff.

So if you are interested in winning one of your own here's how to enter...

  • Leave me a comment! It's that easy. No hoops to jump through. Make sure there is some way to contact you if you win.
  • If you 'd like a second entry just post about this contest on your blog and come back and leave me a second comment.

Two winners will be randomly chosen on Wednesday, February 18th. Open to US and Canada residents only.

Go check out more Works For Me Wednesday ideas HERE.


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Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info. Here's hoping I'll win one to try.

criticaledition at yahoo dot com

Mrs Marcos said...

I'm not 100% comfortable with the idea but I'd be willing to give it a try if I win!

Terri Steffes said...

Ok, I am hoping I am on the downhill side of this topic, but I am willing to try anything. I have heavy ones, too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your money saving ideas, as a stay at home mother of 4 we need all the help we can get, and you make it so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Diva Cup ...interesting...this is the first time I am hearing of this cup. Gail I am curious if the cups are $29.95 where is the savings???? How many cups do you get per box? Please enter me in the contest I would like to sample one of these cups.

Jenn said...

You know, my sister mentioned these once not too long ago and I thought they were kinda creepy but she seems to think they'd be great. Now you have a good review too. Food for thought. Still unsure, but you make a good point about the little hands in the wastebasket... hmmm....

The Kelley Family said...

Wow, I have never heard of these! I am going to check out their web sit for sure! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Erica said...

I'm intrigued. This has been one of the hold outs for me, too. I feel it necessary to note that I'd love to win one...but I won't be able to give it a go until probably the end of the year (I am pregnant with my 4th child, due in July). Financially and environmentally speaking, the pad/tampon thing is such a waste. Thanks for offering this!

Shoebee said...

Okay, I'll be the first to leave a comment. If I'm the only one....I guess I'm the only one willing to give it a try. I always hate pads and tampons...mildly allergic to all but one brand....most are not 100%cotton.

Michelle said...

OK - this is meant to be, I am telling you! I have this on my list to buy this month. Save me the money and I will be your BFF forever!

Anonymous said...

Alright, Alright - you've convinced me I want to try one! :D That's so cool of them to offer two up! :D I HATE having to always worry about leakage and if this takes care of it...sign me up! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Gayle:

I have posted your giveaway on my blog so please enter me a 2nd time for a chance to win the divacups.

thanks gloria

Anonymous said...

I have never used a diva cup, but I do use cloth pads. I switched when we switched to cloth diapers. For the same reasons you switched. I love them and I just wash them when I wash diapers.



Heather said...

I've read about these for a long time and choked at the initial price. Count me in!

Frugal Gal said...

This is awesome. I heard about this product years ago, but have been afraid to try it. I would love to give it a try, as the pads/tampons are so expensive. Also, thanks for your site! I just discovered it about a week or so ago and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I have been forced into more strict grocery guidelines due to the economy, but I find it a wonderful challenge that oils my brain. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to read your post on this! I have heard about the Diva Cup a lot since I started to cloth diaper my kiddoes. It comes up when looking for cloth leads to mama pads and to the tampon users looking for a good alternative. I was pleased that someone else who is heavy actually approves of this. I would definitely love to be put in the drawing! Thanks!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Pick me! Pick me!!! :) I'd love to win!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

I blogged about it here for a second entry:


Christy said...

I have wanted to try one for years but I was scared to waste the money and I not like it. Thanks!

Kim said...

I would be willing to try it. Please put me in your drawing. One question, did you notice more cramps then with a tampon? Just wondering, thank you, Kim Ps I don't know if my post came through 2 x it was acting weird.

Vanessa said...

Wow, am I the first one. Well I am interested in this. I would love to be a DIVA and I have heard really great things about it. Hope I win. www.journeytowardsgreen.blogspot.com

Southern Gal said...

MckMama had a post about this and I've been so tempted to buy it. BUT my periods are so heavy I was scared to try. You've got me convinced that it just might work! Oh, the money I will save!


Christiet said...

I guess I'm the first to leave a comment, huh. The odds are for me! My email is Ms.Christie.s@gmail.com.
Thanks! I love your blog!

A.D. said...

Hmmmm...I've seen these at my local yarn shop (which is a very weird place to carry it) and I was intrigued. I'd love to win one and try it out!

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to try one of these for awhile. Random.org doesn't usually pick #1, but I will keep my fingers crossed.

Willow Academy said...

Hi Gayle
I am Rhonda Gail.
I love this "contraption" idea you have posted about.
What a great way of saving "montly".
I hope to try it.
Thanks for this interesting post.
I will be reading more of your savings ideas too.

Anonymous said...

hey gayle,
I would love to be entered into the divacup giveaway.
thanks, chris

Dina said...

For free, I'd be willing to give it a try. :)

Heather - Doodle Acres said...

I have been debating about trying one for a while. Thanks for the recommendation!!!

My Adventures said...

I would love to try this!!!

Rita said...

I have never heard of these before, but I did just have a "budget meeting" conversation about toilet paper and tampons in the grocery budget, so I totally can agree! Sign me up for the giveaway - I'll try anything once!

Anonymous said...

I'll admit, I've been a bit squeamish about trying this. But if I won it, I'd certainly try it!

Susan said...

I just started reading your blog and I have to say that I'm highly intrigued by this "cup"! Love your site!

Kat said...

I've always wanted to try the Diva cup but could never convince myself to spend the money. Thanks for the chance.

Jenn said...

I would be very interested in trying these!!

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


Michelle said...

Sign me up, I've been interested in them for awhile, but haven't been brave enough yet. LOL

Mama Squirrel said...

I'd like to enter--I've never tried anything "alternative" but have always been curious.

Chris said...

So I guess I'm the first one to comment. This would be an interesting thing to try. The fact that you can keep it in for 12 hours is quite a bonus.

Simplelivin' said...

Wow I've never heard about it before...it seems like a pretty smart idea. Better on the budget and the environment!

Mama Squirrel said...

Leaving my second comment: I linked here. http://deweystreehouse.blogspot.com/2009/02/and-now-for-something-completely.html

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

Don't knock it 'til you try it?! Count me in! hollyhudson@ymail.com

Anonymous said...

I have never-ever heard of such a product. However, the idea of not having to run to the bathroom ever 2-3 hours could grow on me...lol I am learning SO MUCH from this blog!! Thankyou!!

Coco said...

I have been looking at on for a while.

Jenni said...

I've read about the Diva cup on a couple of different blogs. Even thought I have some preconceptions (the yuck factor) I would like to try it, but at 35.00 it's not something that I am willing to invest in -you know, in case I can't stand it and have to throw it away! So, winning one would be great!

FLmom7 said...

Looks interesting!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway :)


Heather said...

how awesome! never paying for pads or tampons again!

Tracy said...

Please enter me in the giveaway! :)

BessieJoy said...

I'd be thrilled to win!

Jean said...

I'm already a Diva wearer! They do save money. I figured for myself that real saving starts after a year of Diva using. It is a real convenience when traveling! It do save space in your purse and bathroom. I first got it maybe three years ago. There was a break since I had baby and used pads for several months afterward. Now, it is back to normal for me. Yes, it does seem yucky- it is only how much comfortable you are with handling your own body stuffs. At home, I usually rinse it after soaping it up (after ordering children out of bathroom and closed the door). When using public restroom(rarely need to deal with this), I simply wipe it out with toilet paper and plop it back in. Of course I do wash my hands afterward for cleanliness sake!

Think of this, no more worries of leaky pads (you will know if Diva is starting to overflow). No more worries about pads getting wet (think playing in water/rain or ). No more worries about "did I bring enough pads or not?" when traveling anywhere.

It won't be about another 8 years before oldest daughter may start needing Diva Cup so I can't really enter this contest. I rather to have another woman put a new Diva in immediate use instead of storing one for eight years for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Sounds convenient and cheap! What's not to love...


Relishing Life said...

I would LOVE to win a Diva Cup!! I have been considering them, but just hadn't gotten around to actually ordering one. Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I'm skeptical but maybe willing to give it a try. LOL! And leave it to me to win this but not the Keurig! Ha!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! Not only saving money, but the environment too! Nothing to go to the landfill.


OK, I am soooo up for this! I have looked at these before, but choked at the price. (I know it's soooo much cheaper in the long run, but who wants to mail it back if you don't like it LOL) Thanks for the giveaway!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

You know this is the very thing you made fun of with me one day, right? And now you're a believer! Fascinating!

Thank you for not including a video tutorial that is all the rage these days on blogs.

Happy chocolate buying.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to tr this...I have a friend that believes in this. Thanks for sharing. Michelle F.

Novus Orsa said...

Oh! I am so glad to see you post about this!! I have been considering/reading up on using this for the last few months but have yet to get one to try. What a great idea for you to blog about considering it is economical as well! I don't have a blog so can't enter a second time, but thank you so much for the fun at trying once!

Danielsen5 said...

Ok, I have never even heard of this - wow! This would be awesome for my family of six budget ($75) since my middle dd just started using pads/tampoons for the first time last month. Racks up our bill considerabley! Thanks for this new info.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi Gayle!
Count me in please! I've read about these but have never taken the plunge to actually purchase one. If it will save me money at the grocery store, I'm all for that! I have to buy for all 3 of us girls in my house! (Can you hear that cash register?)

AW said...

HUGE fan of the Diva Cup! Another reason why I considered it is because women toss over 1 million lbs of feminine hygiene products into landfills every year, in this country alone! I look at this as my way of being Green. Like you said, it took a cycle or two for me to get used to it (tilted cervix complicated insertion at first), but I will NEVER go back to paper stuff. Never.

Jennifer said...

I have been using a diva cup for about 3 years now. While I like it I find I have to wear a panty liner at all times. Still, I won't give it up, even when I can get other products for free.

Melissa said...

I am very interested in trying this. I love to win it. With 4 girls in the house it would help alot! Thanks so much!



Tammy K. said...

I've heard of them before but just could not afford to spend that much at once on something I did not know would work. Glad to hear from someone who tried it. I would love to try it too!


Anonymous said...

Well, it's intriguing enough that if I won, I would definitely try it out! :) Thanks for your awesome Web site!


Emily Ann said...

I'm interested! I was wondering about those a couple of weeks ago, when they were mentioned on a message board I frequent.


Amanda said...

Sounds good to me! I'd love to try one. apace03(at)gmail(dot)com

Jennifer said...

Definately interested in this product...never heard of it before! Hope I am lucky!

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Please count me in on this one. I hate wasting the money. Crossing my fingers that I win!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Trina said...

I have done research on these before and it is great for the budget, but I didn't want to buy one in fear I wouldn't like it. I would love to win one tho! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. I'm willing to give it a try!

malm said...

OMG! That is so funny you are talking about these... I saw them in a store in Montreal and the sales lady was totaly thrill about them but I tought "yuck gross" but now that you are talking about it and seeing a "real" person trying them ;-) make me see them in a whole different way...

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

I went to the website and read all about this Diva Cup. You gotta love that name, anyway this thing sounds super. If I don't win I am going to have to budget in for one. Thank you for this opportunity. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Keeper of the Home said...

Oh wow, this sounds right up my alley. I too have been sick and tired of buying those darn hygiene products. Even with coupons it still adds up.

I love your candid review of this product. The fact that you were willing to go all out there for your readers is one of the many reasons why I choose to follow and subscribe to your blog. So a big thank you is in order.

I have also posted about this on my blog for a second entry. Thank you for offering this give-a-way.


Melinda said...

I have been wanting to try the Diva cup for awhile but like you was a litte grossed out by the idea. It would be great to win it and get to try it for free.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine mentioned this product to me b/c she loves it, but I simply haven't gotten around to trying one. I'd love to win one now!!!

Sarah said...

Well, it wasn't a free maid, but this is pretty cool too!

I'd totally try it.

Anonymous said...

I have heard about divacup my sister has used it and I keep poo pooing it. I also have a couple of pretty heavy days where I go through a ton of tampons and pads. After you explaining your experience with it I think it might just be worth a try.

Phoebe @ GettingFreedom said...

I've been thinking about trying one of these for awhile now, but I just haven't wanted to shell out the money for one. I would LOVE to win it! Thank you for the opportunity!

You rock, Gayle! :)

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

I want a diva cup! Thanks, Gayle.

Andrea said...

I guess it does not hurt to try it :)

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

Ok, I linked to your blog. Is it wrong that I'm so excited about this?

Andrew & Chaina Lemmons said...

Why not? You can't beat free. I'm in. I'm headed to their website right now.

Anonymous said...

I've seen these advertised, but have to admit I'm one of those people who think/thought it sounded too messy. It's nice hearing someone elses opinion of it. I would love to try it.

Rhonda said...

hmmm, I'm still not sure but if I win one, I will sure try it.
Thanks for hosting the contest

Rachael said...

I'd love to win this, thankyou!

Becky said...

I have heard about these before and they sound interesting.

Abbey said...

It sounds very interesting. I'm Always open to new money saving ideas.

rachelg said...

I have heard these are great!

Susy said...

I would love to win this giveaway and give this new product a try!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm all for saving money. I do have to say, it is a mental jump though. But considering the other niceties of motherhood, this shouldn't be that bad.

Julie said...

I love my Diva Cup too. I would NEVER go back to using anything else!

rachelg said...

Posted to my blog!

Sadie said...

I would love to win one of these! I have been eyeing them for years but have never been able to justify the upfront costs.

Mrs. MK said...

wow, that sounds like something to try!

Anonymous said...

I haven't spent money on pade in 6 years. When I moved overseas I got a supply of GladRags cotton washable pads. I love them, and even used them after the birth of my 2 children. A good friend just got a Diva and is beyond thrilled. I love to try one myself. Great giveaway - both budget- and eco-friendly!

reynoldsfour at aol dot com

km said...

I think I'd like to win one. Still a bit grossed out, but this isn't the first time I've read about these. A marathon running friend recommended these. They're the only way she can run distances.

Schnauzer_mom said...

This is great! I've considered ordering the Diva Cup in the past, but haven't. I would love to try it, especially since tampons tend to irritate me.

Laura said...

I have heard about these before, but I am still not so sure about it. If I win and try it and don't like it, I wont be out any money right? :)

Laura said...

I've heard of these before, but Im not so sure of these. If I win it, and try it and dont like it, at least I wont lose any money, right? =) Thanks for the giveaway!

Shelle and Dan said...

Awesome! These are also more environmentally friendly!

Liz said...

I have heard these are wonderful...but they have always seemed to pricey to "try" (I mean $35 is a lot to spend on something I might not like!) thanks for the goodies you are giving away now!

Jennifer C. said...

I've been wanting to try one of these for a while because I've heard such great things about them. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win one..I've debated trying one, but just haven't brought myself to invest. And I HATE spending $$ on pads/tampons..
jmbhamilton (at) msn (dot) com

Sheila said...

Okay, I've read enough about these from people who are pleased to try it. Thanks!

Rhonda Parker said...

Wow! I can't believe I'm the first one to comment. Also, I've never even heard of this before.... I'd like to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

I have heard lots of good things about the Diva Cup and would love to give one a try.

Love your blog...thanks for all the great meal ideas!

Angel Reuther said...

I heard about these on a message board and would love to win one! I'm all for saving money in this area also. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Unknown said...

I think I would definitely give one a try:)

Cathy said...

I read all about these a few months ago but was also hesitant to spend the money upfront... I'd LOVE to win one!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Gayle
i want to mention something about toilet paper. Knowing how frugal you are, I would imagine you already do it. But just in case...
I buy always a package where it's mentioned 1000 sheets, if you compare it with other packages of the same ammount of rolls- it's a shocker. Check on the total area on the package. It was an unbealivable saving when I paid attention.
God bless you in your efforts
Svetlana Hull

Cheryl said...

I have heard about them and am willing to give it a try.

girlsmama said...

Sign me up to win! I have friends that use the Diva cup and LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to try this! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I'm submitting my wife's name. I'm more of the frugal one but she is coming around and would be totally game to try this.

Unknown said...

I have seen these before but have not gotten around to trying. Well now is the time to try it. Enter me in the drawing, please.


Amy said...

If it's free, sure why not?

girlsmama said...

I posted on another blog aprongirls.blogspot.com too!

Holly said...

I have been thinking about trying one of these, but I've never made the leap. This would be the perfect chance :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try this!

Christy said...

I am interested in trying it. Thanks for the opportunity to win something.

JAMBA said...

I've never heard of this product before, but am willing to try anything to keep from having to run to the bathroom to check if I'm leaking!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I have heard of this...but never looked any further than that. I have always said that, while my ecological footprint WILL be less than some, it will ALWAYS contain tp and feminine products! Well, maybe you're going to make a liar out of me! I'd definitely be willing to try it out. Especially because your trips to the bathroom sound just like MINE. It's terrible!

I really appreciate your openness. And your willingness to share your valuable ideas with the rest of us. I am LOVING my homemade detergent. I don't know if it's just me...but I think my laundry is SOFTER since using it! Thanks again...I really enjoy your site!

Anonymous said...

This product sounds great! I'd like to try it!

Anonymous said...

Pick me!

Chris and Annalisa said...

I'd love to try one of these! Thanks for the giveaway!


annashopper at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Now that's practical, thank you for the offer.

Anonymous said...

I've looked into this a couple times but haven't ever taken the plunge.

Mallory said...

Hmm...I've heard about these, but haven't been convinced yet. But winning a free one might be all the convincing I need :)

Mindy said...

I LOVE my diva cup, and have been using it for 3 years, and it's going strong! I'm hoping to win one for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Woot! I'd love to try this out!..and I'm in Canada so I can try this time :).
Yay for Gayle.

Gayle said...

I wasn't very clear on the savings. One cup lasts at least a year although I've been reading on other sights that they have been found to last up to 4 or 5 years. They aren't a one time use kind of thing.

Robyn said...

Okay, so I have been interested in trying one of these, but just didn't want to spend the money and instead just lived with the pads I sewed up. But if I could get one for free, how awesome would that be?!
On another note, I wanted to say thanks for your advice on getting kids to drink more water. It is slowly working. I give them water in cups in the morning with breakfast and I just got a pitcher that is easy for them to use, so I set it out on the table filled with water, set out the cups and it's amazing how much water they'll drink. Simply because they're pouring it themselves. Awesome. Hope that keeps up.
Take care!

Jill said...

Great post! I'm fascinated and want to try one! Thanks for the news and the opportunity to win one! Hooray for free stuff!


Anonymous said...

ok, i totally want to try one of these...

Anonymous said...

Diva Cup Giveaway!

Anne said...

Interesting! I used to use something similar to this that was disposable (the brand name was "Instead" I believe) and I'd be interested in this!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I get the whole Mr Linky thing?!?! but I have a link to your site in my blog.

Love ya

Miriam said...

Simply because it's a giveaway, I will try this if I win. Otherwise, it's just kinda weird to me.

Anonymous said...

Your website has done wonders for my grocery budget. Thanks for the encouragement!


Anonymous said...

Your blog has been helping me lower my grocery budget. Thanks for the time you devote to it.


Jill said...

Gayle, I love your blog and would love to win this so I can try it out.

Lisa said...

This is the first that I have heard about this product. Is sounds interesting and I would love a chance to try it.

Thanks -


Betsy said...

Oh, I hope I win, too!

Triplets07 said...

I have never heard of this. I'm not sold on the idea of it but I would love to try it out for free :)

The Halton Mom said...

Okay. I'm embarrassed to enter this one. I'm curious, but for some reason I'm one of those women that pretend that I don't get a cycle at all. I hope I win.

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

The Browning's said...

I've recently been interested in trying this!
My email is: BrowningB122303@hotmail.com

We've recently moved to Hawaii because of my husband's job in the Army. I found your blog while researching ways to cut our grocery bill (it's expensive over here!). Thank you so much for taking the time to share your tips with us.

The Halton Mom said...

Blogged it.


lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

Julie said...

I'm game...please add me to the list

Felicia said...

I LOVE my diva cup. Couldn't live without it. I've been wanting a second one for my travel bag so that I'm never without one. I'll never buy tampons again!!!

Meghan said...

I just started following your blog last week. Totally loving it.

Great giveaway.
I would like to give one of these puppies a try.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I have thought baout getting one of these the past 2 years, but never could convince myself. It would be great to win, so I could try it and save money too.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have decided to give this a try. I am already using this and I love it! After switching to cloth diapers for economical and environmental reasons, this was the logical next step. I use it in conjunction with cloth pantyliners. I've also made the switch to cloth wipes and will never go back.

Anonymous said...

I have thought of trying this product for 2 years now. It would be great to win and save money too!


The Wisers said...

I've been thinking about getting one of these for a year now!

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. I'm willing to give it a try.
Gayle, I love your site. You are an inspiration to moms and women everywhere!

Em. said...

Reusables all the way! It's also a pretty amazing switch when you go from plastic backed pads to fabric sustainable ones. I thought they'd be weird, but .... seriously, they're amazing. AMAZING.

I haven't tried the Diva, but I've heard good things.

MomVee said...

I have _always_ wanted one of these!

Christine said...

I would really love this.

Gena said...

My oldest daughter has been using one of these for over almost 2 year now and would not ever use anything else. Maybe I'll win one and finally try it?

Anonymous said...

I so want this! I just haven't been able to spare the extra $$ in the budget to actually order one. Hopefully I win!

Natalie said...

I have always hated spending so much money on feminine items! I'd love to try the diva cup! Thanks for the give away.

Unknown said...

This is the first time I have heard about something such as this...very interesting and I am willing to try it.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to try one of these, but I haven't wanted to shell out all that money at once (though, I admit, I've been shelling out about $5/month for pads). I hear that they can cause your flow to become lighter...


Sarah said...

I'm simulataneously attracted to and repulsed by these. But I'd give it a shot.

Anonymous said...

My solution for those types of products has always been pregnancy, but that really isn't a money saver in the end. I must admit I am skeptical and a bit grossed out, but I'll enter anyway... I am always talking about the environment and waste... better practice what I preach, right?

Marie said...

environmentaly friendly and money saving??? Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about getting one of these for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow those comments came in fast! I just found you last week, thanks for a great blog! Hubby's job is gone as of Feb 28 so why not try to reduce?

Vicki said...

I love to save money and will definately look into this product. Thanks for the info.

Heather Kay said...

I would love to give this a try!

My Messy House said...

I have been wanting to get one of these but the cost of it kept me away...i know i know it saves money over time but the up front costs were enough for me not to buy it!!

Emily said...

I'm glad to hear another recommendation - and it would be awesome to win one! I've been slow to take the plunge because of the upfront cost.

My Messy House said...

I posted your contest on my page!!

Erica said...

Personally I could never do it, even for the savings. But one of my friends mentioned these a while back and if I won I would give it to her.

Coupon Person said...

I am intrigued.

egundy at gmail dot com

Nicole said...

ok....I'll try it...

The P in PJs til Noon said...

I've heard the most wonderful things about these and it seems to me to be a win-win situation. I stocked up on necessaries back during a CVS sale and just haven't wanted to shell out the cash to purchase one yet. But I think I may try it! Aren't cramps and PMS enough to deal with, I shouldn't have to worry about wearing a mattress.

Super B's Mom said...

Ok...on one hand I am totally freaked out. On the other hand, I NEED to know more!!

Jen said...

I've never heard of this, but it sounds promising.

Unknown said...

I don't usually enter these giveaways, but I've been reading more and more about the Diva cup, and I'm dying to try it!

Jenny said...

I've heard of these - sounds like a great idea. Enter me! jennasaurus(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting :)

ewing_julie at yahoo dot com

Teresa & Julie-Andi said...

Why not?! I try them!

Anonymous said...

Oh my lord, the diva cup! I actually have one and could never figure out how to use it correctly!

Unknown said...

I have heard of these and thought they sounded good, but never got brave enough to try it. I love your blog and am glad you are recommending them.


Dawn W.

Michelle said...

I have friends that rave about these, but I've been too cheap & scared to try it. This would be the push I'd need to join the diva club. :)

Sarah said...

I'm up to try it! thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

I have just posted about the Divaup on my blog http://julieseveryday.blogspot.com/

Thanks again :)

Anonymous said...

I think I could give this a try!
Thanks for the giveaway.

j_calhoun at comcast dot net

Rebecca MacLary said...

I've been toying with the idea of using a Diva Cup since a few months before I conceived my daughter - I'd love to win this!

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to try the diva cup for a while now, but I couldn't justify the price!! I am glad to hear a good review of it. I don't know anyone who uses it. Thanks Gayle!


Anonymous said...

I have never heard of this idea before, but certainly there is nothing as gross as tampon! Ewww! It can't be any more gross so I would certainly try something new. Definitely, I like the idea of not having anything in the trash! I can't keep the trash cans emptied enough. Thanks for information about this. I checked the site and there are no stores near me who sell it. Hope I win.

Abigail's_Mommy said...

I would like to try it.

Anonymous said...

I have used a Diva cup for the past year and a half and I love it. You just rinse it and reuse it. It is very easy to use and much cheaper in the long run than buying pads and tampons every month. I'd love to have a "spare" Diva cup. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I forgot my email.

drburdine at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have heard of women deployed in the military using these. It has to be more convenient than carrying a box of tampons.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds interesting. I'd be willing to give it a try. I like the idea of saving money!


cyndi said...

Ohh I totally need this I have tried the one you dispose and the were great! off to post on my blog about this.

LMO said...

I'd like to try.

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