A reader had a GREAT idea! Wouldn't it be super if we could put together a resource that lists bargain grocery stores all across the United States with reviews from people who have been there and shopped? That way you can come visit, click on your state and find out where people are shopping in your area.
I'm loving that idea!
It's going to be an enormous task so here is where you can help.
Send an email to gaylebryant4(at)gmail.com and let me know:
- the city and state that the store is located in.
- Name of the store, address, phone number, and link to it's webpage (if it has one)
- a review of your experience shopping there. Include any info that would help like what products you normally find, is there a special day for bargains or a special hidden spot in the store for markdowns?
Finally we can have a resource all in one place, ALL across the States, that will save ALL of us some money. Let's help each other out.
Isn't that a great idea?
For more Works For Me Wednesday ideas go HERE.
Great idea! I don't know of any discount grocery stores in my area (SW OH) and would love to find out about one (or more!)
A Huge undertaking AND a great idea !
Love it!! Great idea Gayle! I can't wait to see where other people are finding great deals in Texas!
That's a wonderful idea! I don't think we have any discount grocers anywhere near me but I would love to find out that I'm wrong!
What a wonderful idea! Serious bargain stores seem to be the least likely to bother with things like Websites. A Google search doesn't turn up any mention of "my" store except the review I wrote last fall! It's Market Outlet in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm hoping to go there tomorrow and will see if I can get the address and phone number for you.
I have never been able to find any discount or outlet grocery stores in or around the Cincinnati OH area and would love this resource!
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