Sunday, April 4, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

I'm so ready for a good shop this week. It takes more energy to think up a dinner everyday than to spend an hour once a week to plan out seven days worth of meals. So last weeks rebellion (I didn't menu plan at all) wasn't near as great as I thought it would be. It never really is but for some reason I feel like I periodically need a refresher course in WHY I need to menu plan. It worked.

Here's what's cooking this week.


Chocolate chip muffins and leftover Easter eggs
Yogurt, granola and berry parfaits
French Toast with blueberry syrup
PB and Banana Toast
Oatmeal w/ brown sugar and apples
Pancakes with homemade jam
Leftover pancakes or french toast

Homemade veggie/bean soup, buttery bread machine rolls
Spaghetti, steamed broccoli, garlic bread
Crockpot Taco Soup and chips
Ground Beef Stroganoff over rice with green beans
Kids are gone so I'm not cooking
Scrambled eggs, toast, sausage
Leftover Buffet

For more menu ideas go HERE.


Unknown said...

Great menu this week. I noticed your having peanut butter and banana on toast, it's one of my favorite meals.

LouAnneL said...

Looks good! I've discovered that I have to do it too.. menu plan that is. The last FEW weeks I just didn't plan and it was disastrous in a couple of ways. 1) we ate out a LOT and 2) I spent TOO MUCH MONEY! :-( I'm not used to that anymore. So, like you, I'm reforming!

Christi said...

Hi! I discovered your blog through MPM - I will definitely be back when I have more time to read (cooking dinner now, actually). I have a family of 4 and would LOVE to get our weekly grocery budget down to $60/week. Great blog!!

Come visit me at my blog if you get a chance! :) Have a wonderful week.

Unknown said...

I want to eat over at your house this week.

You have a great menu! Have a wonderful week.

chefjulsowings said...

what???no egg salad???you must of already eaten all those Easter eggs.LOL

what did you go back to college to learn?

when I went back to school I thought of it as going to work.I also STAYED there and did my homework otherwise I would have sidetracked with the 5 kids at home and a grandson.Hard to put yourself first.