How can it be Monday already? My weekend was busy. I had to squeeze my normal amount of weekend work into one day so that I could go see Wicked with a friend on Sunday. So much fun and a great dinner afterwards. But it's back to real life today. We are preparing to have 10 mouths to feed at our house for the first week of April. We are doing some spring cleaning and filling the freezer full of treats and goodies this week. Here's what is cooking.
Breakfasts: (choice of)
Smoothies, oatmeal, or eggs
Dinners: (usually I come up with a side dish on the fly and yes, we have bread with most meals)
Pizza Pasta Casserole (doubled and one put in the freezer)
Crockpot Veggie soup with homemade rolls
Grilled Cheese and veggies with dip
Spaghetti and Steamed Broccoli
Hot Dogs and French Fries
Egg Salad Sandwiches
Leftover Buffet
What do you do for lunch?
Also, I have three teenage boys who always seem hungry. :) what do you suggest for snacks that won't. 'Break the bank'?
Your menu this week looks similar to mine. Inspired by you I am going to write a blogpost about Meal planning for the week every Monday. I will also give links to the blogs where I found the recipes. Yours, included!
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