I just started my Christmas shopping today. Thrillingly, I did it in my jammies while I was eating breakfast. Online shopping is equally as frugal as physically shopping in the store and much more convenient. You also get the added benefit of having a delivery guy bring packages to your door. It's almost like getting the presents twice! But there is one little tidbit you should know. When you're at check out and they ask for a promotional code for extra savings, don't be discouraged if you don't have one. Just do a google search (ex: "Bath and Body Works promo code") and up will pop several codes you can choose from. Find the one that offers you the best savings and plug it in. I just took advantage of a buy 3 get 3 free from Bath and Body Works and used the promo code "F103373" to get another $10 off my purchase. It ended up covering shipping, tax and a little bit off my bill. What a deal!
To make it a little better, even, use code F102776 and spend $50 (this code is $10 off $30 plus free shipping over $50). I did the buy 3 get 3 free promo and needed a new gauze sponge, so my total was $39, which with F102778 and tax, was going to be $39.xx. I added two bottles of shampoo my daughter will LOVE for Christmas ($10) and a pocket bac ($1.50) and used F102776. Then I got $10 off plus free shipping, so it was $43.xx for all of that - only $4 more for 3 more items!
I got the code from a coupon I received in the actual store recently. Hope this helps someone!
Thanks for the heads up on the B&BW deals! I got $60 worth of stuff for just $30 shipped!
You save money, time, and aggravation from not having to deal with crowds by shopping online, not to mention lowering your carbon footprint by not using gasoline. Then by not driving your own car, you save wear and tear and all that other stuff.
That is a good deal on Bath and Body Works. I love online shopping too.
My daughter's big present came in the mail today and we got free shipping plus some money off with a promo code. It was cheaper than driving to the store to buy it.
I have finished shopping and now I keep seeing great deals. But I did get great deals on everything I bought. I usually spend over $1000 on Christmas gifts but I did it for $400 this year by working hard on it for several months.
I'm getting almost everything for Christmas for everyone on my list from Amazon this year. It's easier than fighting the crowds. Not to mention that you don't have to work shopping around meals (or eat out if you can't work it around meals) and it's easier to resist the impulse buys.
The coupon site where I do my online shopping provides the code with the sale. Sometimes it is already automatically plugged in for you. However, your suggestion is definitely a good one when you do not have a code from a site.
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